The Disease is the message
Crohn free
Healing comes from gratitude and surrender. Surrendering to
the healing force that you are. Disease is just a message. "Don't
shoot the messenger.
What wants to be felt and is just as important: What do you
need to let go.
Do you suffer from a chronic illness? I myself suffered from
a very aggressive form
of Crohn's disease for 21 years. I was also on heavy medication
for 21 years. Now, 3 intestinal operations later, I am completely
free of Crohn's disease and free of medication. How? I can write
a book about it but I will take you through a brief overview
of my process.
Side effects
I've tried everything. Different types of therapies, homeopathy, all possible diets that only had a temporary positive effect each time. I took all the regular medications that were available for Crohn's. With all the side effects that came with it. Such as skin cancer that was diagnosed in 2010. Several tumors had to be removed and I had radiation treatment once because the squamous carcinoma that had been excised on my chest was already branching out. Medicines will certainly do something to reduce Crohn's attacks. They just won't heal you, and they often work temporarily. My body kept finding a way to give me "the message".
You're not your disease
After a while the disease became more aggressive again despite
the switch to new medication. After my first major intestinal
surgery in 2013, I still had hope that it would stay away. Unfortunately,
it came back mercilessly. In 2016 I really had to work less.
This was a good decision, but the inflammation in my intestines
became more active again. In 2018, a 20-hour work week was also
too hard for me. The very latest medicine that I used at the
same time as a high dose of prednisone soon turned out to have
no effect anymore. The doctors were at a loss and said that
I had a very aggressive form of this disease.
I thought: "What am I still fighting for"? I became
depressed and thought: "I better step out". I had
thought this before but never took it seriously because I wanted
to remain combative. At that moment I chose to surrender to
life and accepted my thoughts. I felt the emotion that what
wanted to be felt and instantly some life energy started to
flow through me. I picked up my phone and literally asked ''give
me some perspective''! I saw a video of Arjen Slijp in which
he said: ''You are not your thoughts; you are not your emotions.''
I immediately had the insight: "And you are not your illness."
My stomach is my guide
I immediately signed myself up for "De Ontdekking" (The Discovery). That is the basic course of "De Innerlijke Bevrijding" (The Inner Liberation). Everything was stirred up in me, but of course I was not cured yet. I then did "De Verdieping" (The Deepening) for one whole year and subsequently "De Masterclass Opleiding" (The Masterclass Training) for almost 2 years. This method allowed me to get in touch with my subconscious/the source. This allowed me to let go of obstructive beliefs and allow insights. One of my first subconscious beliefs that emerged was that I believed that I deserved to carry this disease. When I let go of this, I felt the pain in my gut shift upwards and my heart opened. I gained the insight that everything is energy and that nothing is fixed. Later During the process, a conviction emerged in which I had a judgment about setting boundaries. This was a weakness. I have to be able to handle it, right? I had ignored my own set of boundaries for so long that it took some time to feel them, acknowledge them and to stand by them. I noticed that when I set boundaries, I experienced safety from within. This gave me more strength. It was the beginning of my healing journey. Now I use my stomach as my guideline. It's that part of my body that communicates the best with me.
Wayne Dyer:
I will attract into my life what I am. Not what I want. And
I am capable to attract whatever the source is capable of attracting.
That's the difference. You get what you are instead of what
you want. I am whole, I am well, I am happy. I am content, I
am fulfilled. Even if your senses tell you that you are depressed.
You don't say I'm depressed because when you say that you connect
with depression and the universal source or God will align with
that in such a way that it gives you more depression. So connect
with your natural state of being and tune into what you are.
Here you will find more information about Inner Freedom.
I had a magical session with Roben-Jan. He guided me very professionally and subtly in a healing journey through an obstructive belief. To the point that the limiting belief no longer bothered me and I felt very free and light. I felt safe and comfortable with Roben-Jan. He feels things very sensitively. Thank you Roben-Jan. -Sara
The following steps are important for healing:
* I accept the disease.
* I am at peace even if I am not healed from...
* I can heal from...
* I am healing from...
About 95% of our limiting beliefs are unconscious. You want
to become aware of them up first. This does not happen through
the mind or willpower. Healing usually occurs when you let go
of one or more unconscious beliefs that keep you sick. Through
one or more sessions I can help you clarify them, let them go
and heal yourself.
Healing session:
During a healing session you
start by formulating an intention. For example: ''I want to
feel more vital''. Then I will guide you through a meditation
and I tune in to the source. Sometimes another intention surfaces
that requires more attention.
During the session I'll ask a number of questions that you answer
from your body. Everything that comes up is welcome. I am going
to help you to continue to answer from your body. It may be
that limited beliefs arise that you were not yet aware of. The
method helps you to let go of these limited beliefs and gives
you new insights. Dare to allow any emotions. This is energy
in motion. This often results in beautiful insights. This works
best from relaxation. Many people experience great inner peace
during the session. This is where the healing energy lies. The
insights you gain can give you a shift to a higher frequency.
A session lasts about an hour. You will notice that you feel
freer, fitter and more vital.
Chakras (energy centers):
Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel and symbolizes the energy that
revolves. There are 7 main chakras in the body. You could also
do a session on 1 of the 7 chakras. These are the energy centers
of your body. The energy may be weakened or blocked there due
to obstructive beliefs or your character structure. The 1st
chakra is located in your pelvis at the level of your tailbone.
This one has to do with your foundation. Do you live in a loving
or hostile environment? Furthermore, it has to do with setting
boundaries, taking action, being healthy and vital and standing
in your strength. The 2nd chakra is located in your stomach.
This chakra has to do with allowing, feeling and releasing emotions.
Emotions are often stored here that prevent you from creating
what you want. The 3rd chakra is located at your diaphragm.
Also called solar plexus. This chakra has to do with your conditioning,
beliefs, thoughts, your will and relationships with your parents,
among others. It also has to do with setting boundaries. The
4th chakra is located at the level of your heart. It has to
do with feeling love for what you want to create. It also has
to do with making peace with your shadow side, your human side
and with everyone who has hurt you. Furthermore, it has to do
with taking care of your inner child who, for example, has not
felt seen. The 5th chakra is located at the level of your throat.
This has to do with the 'Higher will', that is, the will of
the source. With that which wants to take shape through you
from the field/cosmos/infinite consciousness/God. The fifth
energy center also has to do with recognizing your truth to
yourself and expressing it to others. The 6th chakra is located
between your eyebrows. It determines your ability to visualize
what you want to create. You will then see that you have already
manifested what you want to create. It is also the center of
your intuition. The voice of your soul. Intuitive hunches come
beyond a place, beyond the known, beyond rational thinking.
When you are quiet you can hear the voice of your intuition
better. The 7th chakra is located on the crown of your head.
New consciousness comes to you from the infinite consciousness
here as an impulse. This center is connected to your pineal
gland, which is located in the middle of your head between your
ears. This gland is the antenna with the cosmos/field/consciousness
and is also connected to the 6th energy center.
A session lasts about an hour and can take place at my place
or online/by telephone.
Healing session: Relationship session: Coach session: |
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